by Robin Burk | Dec 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
December 2018 Service Spotlight: Why Sound Therapy? I often get asked why I do what I do and how it is that I came to this work. Seems that I have received this question more over the last few weeks than ever. As I review this year personally, the “Why” behind my work comes to light, so I would like to share with you. In 2008 my father was hospitalized for an infection following knee surgery. During this time while my mom was caring for my dad, she also was caring for my grandmother and two nephews. After three months of hospitalization, I left my full-time job to help my mom. As the frequent 1.5 hr trek back and forth became tiring, I spent less time at home in Chattanooga. Thus I began taking my instruments with me as music has always brought much comfort. At one point I had my mom & grandmother both in the same hospital as my dad. When stress began to build, I deepened my personal practice of Heart Math and breath techniques to settle emotions & nervous system. I also took my instruments into the hospital to have something to do on those long days at the bedside. At some point a nurse asked what the funny-looking bag was that I always carried. I told her about my instruments — the handpan and native flutes. The nurses thought that I had been playing CDs for my dad and asked for me to crack the door next time I played so they could enjoy the relaxing music. Before long I received requests such as...
by Robin Burk | Dec 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
November 2018 Service Spotlight: Currently, I am busy restructuring the private session offerings and look forward to sharing with you in the coming months. If you have any questions before scheduling your session, please do connect by email as I’m happy to help you navigate. I would like to leave on a few words regarding the group sessions as we have some lovely options through the end of 2018. What we offer is not a typical meditation class nor is it of a yogic foundation from the Western perspective. As many of you have experienced, these are deeply moving sessions with lasting benefits – assisting you to create the change you desire in your life. Many folks come occasionally, as needed, while we see our regulars monthly and a select few join in on sessions more frequently. It is our hope that you enjoy a practice of Radical Self Care with us. Sessions range from energizing and uplifting to soothing or providing a deep journey. If you have any questions about the best session for you, please do connect as we are happy to...
by Robin Burk | Dec 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
October 2018 Service Spotlight: Purple Sky Healing Arts might indeed be in the healing field, but there is a cost of doing business. Over the last two years, costs have risen while we have tried to keep our price structure the same. Recently, we have received complaints about the current event registration system, so we decided to return to the Eventbrite platform which we left it a few months ago due to their significant price increase. As a result of that and other increasing business expenditures, you will begin to notice a reflection of this increase in the event pricing structure. What we offer is not a typical weekly yoga or fitness class. As many of you have experienced, these are deeply moving sessions with lasting benefits – assisting you to create the change you desire in your life. Many folks come occasionally, as needed, while we see our regulars monthly and a select few join in on sessions more often. It is our hope that you understand these small increases as a normal cost of business which does not impact your ability to practice Radical Self Care with us. If you have any questions or are interested in scholarships & work exchange, please do connect with...
by Robin Burk | Dec 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
September 2018 Service Spotlight: Last month’s Service Spotlight opened up some nice opportunities to discuss the legitimacy of Sound Therapy. I greatly appreciate these conversations as I’m able to share the science and nature of Sound – something about which I am passionate. Also among the feedback I received is that there is more to Sound Work than most people thought. Indeed, there are important factors to consider. Then came a question as to why I don’t use “fluffy” or “New Agey” terms to describe what I do, as is commonly found. My response is that I have other terms and understandings due to my personal background and training. Others may not have such perspective, thus choose a different approach. Each person has their own journey, a path of their own choosing for which they are accountable for. There is a saying often heard at Purple Sky which states “Leave your dogma at the door.” This is because the healing nature of Sound has great potential in and of itself, one just needs to be open to receive. I wish for the work at Purple Sky to be available and accessible to all – every single person who is drawn to it. Indeed, I do have my own spiritual beliefs & practices. It is an important part of my being. I gracefully accept and support others having a spiritual experience unique to themselves. One can receive full benefit of sound no mater their spiritual nature or who they are as individuals. Above anything else, I believe in the power of Sound to bring one to a state of balance...
by Robin Burk | Dec 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
August 2018 Service Spotlight: I recently found myself in a conversation regarding the importance of training for practitioners working in the wellness & spiritual fields. This conversation came at a powerful time as I had just returned from training for Level 2 of Pranic Healing, the most recent from the variety of trainings and workshops I have attended over the past 7 years. My stance likely shocked this person a bit – most people aren’t aware of the variety of trainings that exist or understand the need for it. Even I have been questioned about my qualifications as I don’t have the same training as a yoga teacher. Is it necessary to be trained to do this work? Legally, it is not. I believe it is most important for a practitioner to fully understand the impact of their work on mind, body and spirit. I also believe it is unfortunate that we do not have a system of quality training in these esoteric fields as I believe it would further legitimize the work. After completing training through the Music for Healing & Transition Program, I received my title of Certified Music Practitioner through the National Standards Board for Therapeutic Musicians. I have much appreciation for this honor as it is rare in the field. Quite possibly it is necessary for such regulation as those who complete the program seek employment within hospitals and other health organizations. Why exactly do I believe it is important for a practitioner to have a solid training background? Because there is much to understand that goes beyond intention and intuition. This endeavor often entails working...
by Robin Burk | Dec 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
July 2018 Service Spotlight: What type of session is better – Reiki or Vibroacoustic? The answer varies depending on each person’s needs and expectations. Reiki is a method of tapping into the Universal Life Force Energy. This is an energy readily available to us and is called different things depending on one’s spiritual or religious background. Many people feel it as being blanked by warmth from a loving source yet each person’s experience is unique. Reiki can be used for general well being or to balance the chakras for spiritual growth. Our Reiki sessions are unique as they also include a Vibroacoustic component of specially designed music being played through the table. This musical massage helps to relax the nervous system, easing the client into a deeper state which is more receptive to the Reiki provided. The 30-minute session is a nice introduction to this type of work while the 60-minute session allows additional time to work with specific concerns, often including the use of singing bowls or tuning forks. Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT) is a more individualized session which is no-touch and does not typically include energy work. Vibroacoustic Therapy is sometimes referred to as a “Musical Massage” although I prefer to equate it to lying on a bed of soothing cat purrs. This technology is quite efficient in settling the nervous system, opening one for ease. While lying on the table, clients listen to relaxing music as they drift into a daydream. This treatment is ideal for assistance with conditions related to stress, anxiety, insomnia, pain and other medical conditions. The sound frequencies are carefully chosen to target the client’s...
by Robin Burk | Dec 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
From May 2018 Service Spotlight: I am often asked about my private practice work at Purple Sky. What exactly is it that I do? Clients most often come to me for assistance with conditions related to stress, anxiety, insomnia and pain release. I also see clients for inner/personal/spiritual growth and energy work such as Reiki. How is it that I help these clients? Through the use of Vibroacoustic Therapy along with a variety of other techniques. Vibroacoustic Therapy is sometimes referred to as a “Musical Massage” although I prefer to equate it to lying on a bed of soothing cat purrs. This technology is quite efficient in settling the nervous system, opening one for ease. If this work interests you, please visit the services section of our website for more information and to book your session. Interested in how Vibroacoustic Therapy can help you specifically? I’m here to answer your...
by Robin Burk | Dec 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
This is the first Service Spotlight from our April 2018 Newsletter I am a Certified Music Practitioner, trained through the Music for Healing and Transition Program to provide live therapeutic music at the bedside of the ill and dying. My study concentration was on stress relief and deep rest as well as the special needs of those in final hours of life. It was through this training that I discovered healing sound work. Since that initial introduction to sound, I have received various Sound Healing trainings including a Healing Sounds Intensive with Jonathan Goldman, Gong Master training with Don Conreaux and have also taken classes through the Globe Sound Healing Institute in San Francisco, CA. I am constantly learning through discussions and sharing with other sound healing professionals worldwide. To deepen the energetic practice of my work, I have received Reiki Master/Teacher training as well as studied Kabbalistic and Pranic Healing modalities. I fully believe in ongoing education and am constantly learning new ways to best assist...
by Robin Burk | Dec 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
Hello world! I have decided to turn the Service Spotlight in my monthly newsletter into a blog. Sharing with you components of Therapeutic Music, Sound Therapy and Energy Healing. Each month has a different focus from training, my personal practice, what I offer with private sessions and tips for your own use. I will begin by posting excerpts from past newsletters then bring in some new material for you to explore. I look forward to traveling this path of sharing with you! In Love & Peace,...