
Not Your Average New Age Fluff

September 2018 Service Spotlight:

Last month’s Service Spotlight opened up some nice opportunities to discuss the legitimacy of Sound Therapy. I greatly appreciate these conversations as I’m able to share the science and nature of Sound – something about which I am passionate. Also among the feedback I received is that there is more to Sound Work than most people thought. Indeed, there are important factors to consider.
Then came a question as to why I don’t use “fluffy” or “New Agey” terms to describe what I do, as is commonly found. My response is that I have other terms and understandings due to my personal background and training. Others may not have such perspective, thus choose a different approach. Each person has their own journey, a path of their own choosing for which they are accountable for. There is a saying often heard at Purple Sky which states “Leave your dogma at the door.” This is because the healing nature of Sound has great potential in and of itself, one just needs to be open to receive. I wish for the work at Purple Sky to be available and accessible to all – every single person who is drawn to it.
Indeed, I do have my own spiritual beliefs & practices. It is an important part of my being. I gracefully accept and support others having a spiritual experience unique to themselves. One can receive full benefit of sound no mater their spiritual nature or who they are as individuals. Above anything else, I believe in the power of Sound to bring one to a state of balance and help bring about lasting change.
Have questions? Want to know more? Send me a message.

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